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Humans have explored and charted just five percent of our planet's deep seas we know far more about space than we do about the mysteries of our own oceans some of the things we have discovered in that small segment of the deep sea are far stronger and more terrifying than anything you might have imagined living on Venus. At last, after descending over 130 feet from an entire museum submerged in the ocean to a silver laden World War II shipwreck off the coast of Ireland.

Here are 15 bizarre underwater discoveries by deep-sea divers.


The icy fingers of death sound pretty bad although in this case, it's pretty unlikely to be pointing at you unless you're a deep-sea diver also known by the less terrifying name of barnacles, these strange formations are indeed brine icicles formations of saltwater ejected from sea ice but nevertheless with a sub-zero temperature. So that the saltwater descends towards the ocean floor, they form a kind of icicle a kind of salty staling title surrounded by a sheath of ice.

Once down there though passing sea urchins and small fish better watch out as contact with a barnacle often means being trapped in a frozen prison and death. The underwater icicles form because seawater expels impurities such as salt when it freezes. This means that the water around the frozen sea ice becomes more Selene and therefore both denser and with a lower freezing temperature.

So the water filled with salt which is expelled from the ice above creates a small tunnel for itself where the surrounding water does not freeze right away. And the icicle's higher density causes it to sink to the ocean floor and so we have the basic conditions for a Brynical.  First observed by divers in the 1960sthey were filmed by the BBC in recent years showing just how beautiful this amazing phenomenon truly is.


A furious race against time involving 400000 Americans including a handful of German rocket scientists captured from the Nazis during the Second World War.  All working on the Apollo project to get a man on the moon back in the 1960s. Engineers chain-smoked drank heavily worked 80 hour weeks and had all the associated heart attacks as ulcers and breakdowns. 

 But In the end they made it and beat the Soviet Union to the moon and now one of the five engines that helped fire Saturn v has been recovered from the seabed where it landed more than 50 years ago. The most powerful rocket engine ever built and one which many NASA scientists say would be impossible to build today presumably. Discarded its engines once the rocket hit around 5000 miles per hour 8 000 kilometers per hour and they landed safely in the Atlantic Ocean. 

This underwater discovery is led by Amazon’s Jeff Bozos spotted one of the engines on a dive. After a complex operation, the huge beat-up rusted lump of brutal rocket repower was extracted from the seafloor and is destined for a place in a museum.



17 billion in gold, silver, and gems just lying around unattended sounds like a get rich quick a scheme that's a little too good to be true and it is since all the booty is trapped in a 300-year-old galleon lying on the seafloor off the coast of Colombia.  

A dispute between The Colombian  government and a U.S  salvage company about who has the right to the loot has almost reached the level of animosity seen between the 18th century Spanish and their British enemies whose warships fired upon the san José and sank it for reasons that are probably only clear to the Spanish governors of 1708 they loaded the equivalent of one year's national GDP onto one ship along with a cargo of precious wood indigo leather cochineal and all kinds of other valuables and set the heavily laden vessel off sea and waters teeming with British warships who did not hesitate to open fire and put a serious dent in their archrivals economy


The goblin shark you know if an animal is called the goblin something it's not going to be a beauty and the goblin shark isn't going to win any beauty contests. First described in 1898 by the Americana the zoologist hat's a fish guy David star Jordan the goblin shark has been spotted in all three major oceans of the world and almost always in its darkest most obscure corners lingering around dark and gloomy depths of up to 4300 feet or around 1 300 meters sightings of this strange Beasts are extremely rare. 

The long snout is thought to be able to  sense the weak electrical fields produced by other animals and since they grow up to be as large as about 13 feet 4 meters smaller fish might want to keep an eye out for this alien-looking creature. aside from it's less than charming looks the goblin shark is also the last of its a particular family of sharks and a pretty rare one at that I’m almost beginning to feel a little sorry for the poor guy


Joining our contingent of sea-dwelling super freaks is the vampire squid or at least that's what we call this guy for short. His full taxonomical name in Latin is vampire this infernal is meaning vampire squid from hell. As though a regular vampire squid from plain old earth wasn't terrifying enough vampire squid are typically observed at depths with very low levels of oxygen.

 First described in 1903 by German scientist Carl Chunit was originally classed as a kind of octopus before being moved over to the squid family the truth about this hp love craft monster of your nightmares is that beyond its devilish appearance of red eyes black flesh and Dracula-style webbed cloak it’s really a pretty harmless little fellow feeding on floating sea detritus rather than sucking the blood directly from the eyeballs of its victims while using its sucker to grapple onto their faces. It is a bizarre underwater creature.

Also, visit >> Top 15 rare animal mutations probability<<


What's the oldest the computer you've ever used a first gen Mac book an apple one some giant massive wires and switchboards which took up a whole building in the 60s and had a three-megabyte hard drive how about a computer which is more than 2 000 years old and was lost in the ocean by some of those smarter than smart ancient Greeks

Well, that's what the Antikythera mechanism named for the small port where it was discovered by sponge fishermen back in 1900. A shipwreck here in around 200 BC left a whole pile of treasure but it was one strange clockwork mechanism that caught the attention above anything else.

It's believed the mechanism was used to provide measurements of moon phase’s planets and to show the timing of eclipses as a navigational aid and 3d scanning has revealed an astonishing level of mechanical complexity unlike anything else known in the ancient world or indeed before European advances in clockwork technology during the renaissance. It remains one of the great enigmas of ancient history and perhaps explains the incredible dominance of the Greek culture of that era.


Photographs of Tamanpura that's temple garden in Indonesian sparked some wild rumors on the internet some years ago that another underwater Atlantis of the east had been found an astonishing and wonderful array of submerged statues from the Balinese  Hindu temple was at first believed to have been an ancient archaeological site. 

However the Australian Chris Brown revealed that the garden was his own creation and that the  objective was to create a conservation site for the re-growth of local reefs as well as bringing tourism to the area in a way which would not damage the ecosystem. The fantastic statues of Buddha, Ganesha and other deities which sit at 30 meters or100 feet below the surface of the ocean are slowly being colonized by all forms of coral native to the area. 

As well as keeping alive some of the traditions of Indonesian spirituality albeit way down under the sea the reef garden now offers a section at the shallower depth for less experienced divers and while it's not quite an ancient lost city it's doing a great job for conservation and sure as heck is prettier than a blobfish.


The Mariana trench is a 1550 mile or 2 500 kilometers long the trench in the ocean floor which sits around halfway between Japan and Papua New Guinea in the Pacific Ocean and its deepest point is known as challenger deep is the deepest place on the planet. At some seven miles 11 kilometers below sea level.  

If you threw Mount Everest down there, its peak would still be a full 1.2 miles two kilometers below the surface needless to say the ocean pressure down there is pretty high. It takes a pretty tough submarine to withstand it and a pretty tough submariner too and that's exactly what the current record holder victor weighs. Not satisfied with having climbed the tallest mountain one very single continent he has now also been deeper than any human in history.  

What did he find at the bottom of the trench? All kinds of marine life including snailfish and all kinds of things that kind of look like blobs and he found a plastic bag down there and a bunch of candy bar wrappers.


Centos deriving from the Mayan word means "sacred well and was thought of as places of great spiritual importance" to the people of the Yucatan where some 6,000 of them can be found. They are formed when water slowly erodes the limestone bedrock common to the area creating wells, sinkholes and sometimes vast and astonishing underground caverns through which rivers flow.

 These were thought of as gates to the kingdom of the dead and Mayans believed that part of the journey in the afterlife involved navigating these mysterious underground rivers. Luckily nowadays you don't need to die to take a visit, as they have become popular tourist destinations for those visiting Mexico’s Caribbean coast, otherwise unavailable.  

As if the idea of river swimming through a vast underground cavern filled with the ghosts of dead Mayans weren't enough the centos are also known for their halocline layers that's the part where freshwater meets very salty water usually about a third of the way down and the interaction of these two kinds of water. This  gives the otherwise crystal clear water the strange glowing milky aura which is both surreal and dreamy, as well as the  sensation of floating in the air as the density changes rising through the layers.  it also smells pretty strongly of sulfur.



Founded some 1 hundred years ago, the city of xi chang was once the thriving cultural political, and economic center of Zhejiang Province on china's eastern coast. long known as lion city it has also become known as china's Atlantis after the Chinese communist the government completely submerged the ancient city 60years ago. 

The artificial lake Chiyoda was constructed as part of a project to dam the xenon river and build a hydroelectric power station. The valley in which the ancient city lay was chosen for the dam lake and the entirety of the lion city soon found itself less than 130 feet or 40 meters of water. at last, after descending over130 feet they find what they've been searching for. So while the story of xi chang is perhaps not as mysterious as that of Atlantis, what lies within could not be more spectacular. 

A vast number of buildings and more than 300 arches displaying elaborate carvings from the Han era of China and beyond are perfectly preserved beneath the still waters of the fake lake And the modern Chinese government is hoping to increase tourism in the the area with the building of an observation bridge and the introduction of diving tours, and why lion city? 

Well not because of any nautical lions roaming down there but because the city once stood in the shadow of the five lion mountain which is now too submerged. That’s one deep end strange link.


The sarcastic fringe head should have been named “the get the hell off my land before i whoop you’re behind fringe head”. Since these big mouthed fish are among the most belligerent creatures in the sea minding your own business taking a stroll along the sea floor you find yourself in the front yard of a sarcastic fringe head's territory and boom he's all up in your grill these guys will fight anything including each other in what looks like one long weird kiss so maybe the chuck Norris of the ocean has a sensitive side to the kiss is really a means for the males to establish dominance and the one with the biggest mouth wins and they certainly have big mouth sup to four times the size when open compared to when closed.

The big guys scare off the small guys and get the pick of the females when it comes to mating a world where the angry big mouth always wins remind you of any other species living in the pacific ocean off the coast of California they are found at around 70 meters or 230 feet below the surface.


As thrilling as discovering a shipwreck sounds a lot of the time there's little more than rusting metal and maybe a few unfortunate sailors bones lying around inside. Not so aboard the wreck of the ss gairsoppa shipwreck, a British ship which was torpedoed off the coast of Ireland by a German u-boat in 1941 at the height of world war II naval showdown.

 This could be the largest ever known precious metal cargoes covered from the Sea.  In 2013 divers at almost three miles five kilometers below the surface discovered that the gairsoppa shipwreck was holding 1500 silver bars among her ruins worth million dollars today. Some disputes began between odyssey the company that obtained the rights to salvage the wreck and the British government in whose waters it lies about “who should get all the silver?”

 With odyssey in the end agreeing to an 80 % cut finders keepers almost all the same without their expertise and advanced technology robotic equipment the loot might have stayed on the ocean floor for good, but as it turns out it's a recording hall and a record depth.


Another aesthetically challenge creature of the deep the blobfish could it ever have been named anything else looks like a sad collapsed Mr.  Potato head at least out of the water for you see in its natural habitat of the deep ocean around Australia and New Zealand it gains its true elegant and majestic form or well still kind of an unhappy-looking potato. 

This transformation is due to the compression when a blobfish is brought to the surface since its gelatinous flesh is slightly less dense than water a system which allows it to bob along the seafloor without having to expend huge amounts of energy maintaining a more solid format such pressure the sad news is that the blob fish might have a good reason to look the way it does.

Since numbers are dwindling due to habitat destruction and accidentally being caught up in nets thrown down by deep-sea travel men who presumably are looking for something a smidgen easier on the eye and to add insult to injury the British ugly animal preservation act voted the endangered blobfish the earth's most hideous species.


As you dive into the beautiful Clearblue waters off the coast of Cancun Mexico the last thing you might expect to encounter would be a large crowd of people standing on the ocean floor covered in algae feet covered in the sand of the seabed. You’d be forgiven for thinking you were stuck in a scene from the planet of the apes but in fact, this scene is available to all visitors to the 43 thousand square feet or four thousand meters squared Cancun underwater museum. Divers or passengers aboard glass-bottomed boats are treated to the site of more than 500 statues which depicts a whole array of human life.

 A man lying in bed watches TV crowds of the oppressed are captured in a moment of suffering anger or reaching for help a woman prays. A child sits alone in contemplation and all at up to 26 feet or 8 meters below the surface. The museum not only gives visitors a taste of contemporary art and the chance to observe local sea life but it has an ecological message to the sculptures that are designed to remind visitors of the fragility of the ecosystem. 

Sand is made of ph neutral minerals help the recovery of the area's coral reefs which are threatened with destruction. Next the time you want to contemplate the fundamentals of the human experience through art but surrounded by several hundred quintillions gallons of seawater, then this is the place to head.

Also, visit>>Top 20 animals killed in millions every year by human<<


Disaster shipwrecked off the coast of the Carolinas the ss Central America sank to the murky depths dragging with her some 425 souls to Davy Jones's locker. Back in September 1857 the ship was sailing from the port of Colon in Panama and its destination was New York City. Aside from carrying the most unfortunate crew and passengers, it was on an emergency rescue mission for the U.S economy.

The panic of 1857 was an economic crash which followed the collapse of the Ohio life insurance and trust company and the ss central America was sent with 10 tons of gold in its hold back in the days when all you needed to fix an economy was a literal boatload of solid gold worth in today's money around 300 million

The economy was to be saved but after a stop in Havana Cuba the weather decided it had another plan for the ship and it was lost in a ferocious hurricane .soon the wreck became the legend is known as the ship of gold. After its sparkling cargo all of which had been prospected during the California gold rush fast forward to 1988 and an American the team recovered the wreck netting the group's leader Tommy Gregory Thompson some 52 million in sales from the salvage.

One of the ingots was named eureka .probably due to it being what the diver would have screamed into the water when he saw its 80 pounds or 35-kilo form laying in front of him all covered in seaweed and fish and stuff. Thompson, however, wasn't content with the cool 52 million he made himself and absconded with a large chunk of his investor's share of the profits too which he successfully hid from investigators after he was caught in 2015.

153 survivors mainly women and children did make it off the ship although there was no record whether any of them managed to sneak a couple of bars of gleaming gold into their lifeboats or not. 


These are the top 15 Bizzare discoveries by the sea divers which amazed all the world. Hope you have enjoyed reading this interesting article and also gained some knowledge about the other things in the world. 


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  1. I enjoyed reading the blog, it was really interesting to know.
    ~Devee 😊
